The magical world beneath the sea has once again come to life in the latest cinematic rendition of “The Little Mermaid.” Released on May 26, 2023, in the USA, this animated masterpiece directed by Rob Marshall has been making waves on Netflix and captivating audiences worldwide. Join us as we explore the depths of this enchanting tale, unraveling the cast, showtimes, and where you can dive into the mesmerizing world of Ariel and Prince Eric.
The Little Mermaid Animated Movie A Glimpse into Ariel’s World
At the heart of the story is Ariel, the youngest daughter of King Triton, a beautiful and spirited mermaid with an insatiable thirst for adventure. Longing to explore the world beyond the sea, Ariel takes a plunge into the unknown, discovering the surface and, in the process, falling in love with the dashing Prince Eric. The film beautifully captures her journey of self-discovery and the sacrifices she makes to experience life on land.
The cast of The Little Mermaid 2023
A stellar cast brings these beloved characters to life, adding a new layer of magic to the classic tale. As you dive into the enchanting world of “The Little Mermaid,” you’ll be delighted to find talented actors breathing life into the characters:
- Ariel: The series’ main character is Ariel. The design was created by Glen Keane and has a voice given by Jodi Benson.
- Prince Eric: Jonah Andre Hauer-King is a well-known English actor. The role of Prince Eric in the live-action adaptation of Disney’s musical fantasy picture The Little Mermaid 2023 is the one that brought him the most international recognition.
- Ursula: Ursula is a character in the animated movie The Little Mermaid Ursula is a villain. She becomes Triton’s sister and Ariel’s aunt, making her revenge and motivations more evil.
The Little Mermaid Showtimes
For those eager to experience the magic of “The Little Mermaid” on the big screen, finding the right showtime is crucial. Whether you’re planning a family outing or a romantic evening, checking the showtimes in your area is a must. Major theaters and cinemas are sure to feature this cinematic gem, so keep an eye out for local listings.
The Little Mermaid Where to Watch
If you want a homey night in, “The Little Mermaid is on Netflix”. So you can watch this animated movie on your home.
Behind the Scenes
Directed by the talented Rob Marshall, “The Little Mermaid” 2023 is a visual feast that combines cutting-edge animation with a timeless story. Marshall’s creative vision, coupled with the expertise of Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, resulted in a box office success, grossing an impressive 569.6 million USD. The film’s budget of 240.2 million USD is a testament to the dedication and craftsmanship that went into creating this underwater spectacle.