Directed by Antoine Fuqua, “The Equalizer 3” is an upcoming American vigilante action film. It’s the follow-up to the TV adaptation, The Equalizer 2, which got its own movie in 2018. Starring Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning, David Denman, Sonia Ammar, and Remo Girone, this picture also boasts a strong supporting cast.
The Equalizer 3: Release Date, Cast, Story, Trailer, & More…
For Robert McCall (Denzel Washington), serving justice on behalf of the disadvantaged is a weird source of comfort since he gave up his life as a government assassin. Surprisingly at ease in Southern Italy, he learns that the local criminal bosses govern his newfound buddies. As the danger increases, McCall realizes he must take on the mafia in order to protect his friends.
Robert McCall has no trouble adjusting to life in Southern Italy, but he soon realizes that his pals are beholden to the power structures of the local criminal underworld. As the situation becomes more dangerous, McCall is aware of what he needs to do: he must take on the mafia in order to protect his friends.
The Equalizer 3 Cast
- Denzel Washington as a cherector of Robert McCall
- Sonia Ammar cherector as Chiara
- Andrea Scarduzio
- Dakota Fanning
- Eugenio Mastrandrea
- Gaia Scodellaro
- David Denman
- Daniele Perrone
The Equalizer 3 Release Date
It is anticipated that post-production will begin on September 1, 2023.
For US viewers, when will The Equaliser 3 be available on Netflix?
Let’s start in the United States, where Netflix has a large and comprehensive first-window deal with Sony that was negotiated back in April 2021. Let’s look at the terms of this agreement.
Since 2022, all Sony films that have been distributed theatrically (as well as a few titles from Sony Pictures Classic) have been made available on Netflix only a few short months after their initial appearance there.
The vast majority of films have, for the most part, become available on Netflix exactly 120 days following their initial release. If that is indeed the case, then The Equaliser 3 will become available to view on Netflix on December 30, 2023, which is during the holiday season.
Having said that, there have been several titles that came out a few days or weeks after the 120-day timeframe had passed. This indicates that it could be as late as January 2024 before it happens.
What will The Equalizer 3 be about?
Robert McCall has found peace in his new role as an advocate for justice on behalf of the oppressed since he gave up his life as an assassin for the government. Now residing in Southern Italy, he quickly learns that his new pals are in the employ of the powerful organized crime families in the region. As the situation becomes increasingly dangerous, McCall takes on the mafia in order to defend them.
Will Dakota Fanning be in Equalizer 3?
Is it available “The Equalizer 3 on Netflix” or any streaming platform?
No, currently not available The Equalizer3 on Netflix and other streaming platforms. But on September 1st, 2023, audiences will be able to see The Equalizer 3 in theaters.
Although we are always looking to add more service providers, we were unable to locate an online deal for “The Equalizer 3.” We ask that you check back with us in the near future to see if anything new has been added to Netflix Plans.