In a heartfelt New Year’s note shared on January 1, 2024, Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor reflected on the ups and downs of the past year, describing 2023 as a “roller coaster ride” in her Instagram post. The actress, known for her roles in films like “Blind” and “The Zoya Factor,” expressed gratitude for the experiences of the past year while shedding light on her husband Anand Ahuja’s health struggles and the challenges of parenthood.
Sonam Kapoor’s wrap-up video of 2023, posted on Instagram, featured glimpses into her personal life, including moments with her husband Anand Ahuja, son Vayu Kapoor Ahuja, family members, and highlights of her achievements throughout the year.
In her reflective note, Sonam opened up about the emotional and transformative journey of becoming a parent, acknowledging the profound changes she underwent physically, emotionally, and spiritually. She shared the joys and fears that accompanied parenthood, emphasizing the pain, acceptance, and eventual exhilaration that came with these transformations.
The actress also revealed a challenging period where her husband, Anand Ahuja, faced a mysterious illness that baffled doctors for three months. Sonam expressed gratitude for his complete recovery, thanking both the divine and Dr. Sarin for their roles in overcoming this difficult time.
Sonam Kapoor’s 2023 was marked by multiple relocations, shifting talent agencies, and moving homes four times. Despite these challenges, she embraced the year as tough, amazing, fulfilling, and enriching. Balancing her return to work with supporting her husband’s professional growth, Sonam highlighted the importance of spending time with her family and friends.
The actress didn’t shy away from addressing the global challenges, mentioning the ongoing war and expressing sorrow for the lives lost, particularly civilians and children caught amid the conflict. She called for prayers for those affected and criticized those in power who seemed indifferent to human suffering.
Closing her note, Sonam Kapoor extended New Year wishes to her followers, expressing hope for peace and joy in the world. Filled with gratitude and humility, she embraced the start of 2024 with a positive outlook.
On the professional front, Sonam Kapoor, who last appeared in the crime thriller “Blind,” revealed plans for her upcoming project, “Battle for Bittora,” during an interview with PTI in 2023. The actress expressed eagerness about returning to the big screen in 2024 with this feature film. As fans anticipate her next cinematic venture, Sonam Kapoor continues to navigate the realms of both personal and professional growth.