In a delightful turn of events, Bollywood actress Sonakshi Sinha is reportedly set to marry her long-time boyfriend, Zaheer Iqbal, later this month. The couple’s digital wedding invitation has surfaced online, sparking excitement among fans and well-wishers. This unique invitation, which can be accessed via a QR code, features an audio message from the couple and is designed to look like a magazine cover. The headline reads, “We are making it official finally. The rumors were true so come celebrate with us at Bastian At the Top on 23rd June 2024, 8:00 pm onwards.”
The invitation also showcases a charming photo of Sonakshi and Zaheer in a snowy landscape, with Zaheer affectionately kissing Sonakshi’s cheek. Adding a humorous touch, the couple requests guests to avoid wearing red and adhere to a formal and festive dress code.
In the accompanying audio message, Sonakshi and Zaheer express their joy and excitement about their upcoming nuptials. They share, “To all our hip, tech-savvy, and Jason (detective) friends and family who have managed to land on this page, hi! For the last seven years that we have been together, all the joy, love, laughter, and many, many adventures have led us to this moment. The moment when we go from being each other’s rumored girlfriend and boyfriend to being each other’s definite and official husband and wife. Finally! This celebration will not be complete without you, so drop whatever you’re doing on the 23rd of June and come party with us.”
Despite the leaked invitation, Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal have not yet officially confirmed their wedding plans.
Previously, in an interview with IDiva, Sonakshi addressed the wedding speculations, stating, “Firstly, it’s nobody’s business. Secondly, it is my choice, so I don’t know why people are so concerned about it. People ask me about my marriage more than my parents, so I find that very funny. Now, I am just used to it. It doesn’t bother me. People are curious; what can we do about it?”
Adding to the mystery, Sonakshi’s brother Luv Sinha told Hindustan Times, “I won’t be commenting. It’s better if you reach out to Sonakshi or the other person. All I can say is I have nothing to say on this matter.”
Reacting to the rumors, Shatrughan Sinha mentioned that he is unaware of any wedding plans and would bless the couple once informed. He told Zoom, “I am in Delhi right now. After the election results, I flew down here. I haven’t spoken to anyone about my daughter’s plans. So your question is, is she getting married? The answer is that she hasn’t told me anything about it.” He continued, “Main bhi utna hi jaanta ho jitna main media maine padha hai (I know as much about this as what the media has told me). If and when she takes me into confidence, my wife and I will give the couple our blessings. We wish her happiness always. We trust her judgment completely. She would never make an extra-constitutional or illegal decision. As a consenting adult, she has the right to make her own decisions.”
Shatrughan Sinha also humorously added that he looks forward to dancing at his daughter’s wedding, saying, “I am being asked by people close to me why I am not aware of this and the media is aware of it. All I can say is, aaj kal ke bacche consent nahin lete maa-baap ke, sirf inform karte hain (these days, children don’t seek permission from parents, they just inform). We are waiting to be informed.”
For those unaware, the wedding rumors were ignited by an India Today report stating that Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal would wed on June 23, with invitations sent to close friends, family members, and the Heeramandi cast.
Sonakshi and Zaheer have been rumored to be dating since 2020. They co-starred in the 2022 film “Double XL” and also appeared together in the music video “Jodi Blockbuster” last year.