The movie “Shaitaan” is an upcoming supernatural thriller starring Ajay Devgn, Madhavan, Janki Bodiwala, Jyotika, Palak Lalwani, and Anngad Raaj film. Directed by Vikas Bahl, the movie unfolds a timeless tale of the eternal battle between good and evil. The story revolves around Kabir and his family, who embark on a fun weekend retreat that takes a chilling turn when they welcome a seemingly friendly but mysterious stranger into their house.
As the night progresses, the atmosphere transforms into a nightmarish ordeal, and the family is confronted with their deepest fears. “Shaitaan” delves into the sinister elements of Indian Black Magic, creating a gripping and edge-of-the-seat experience for the audience. The narrative explores the forces of righteousness embodied by the family, contrasting with the malevolence symbolized by the enigmatic stranger.
Shaitaan Release Date:
Cast & Crew:
- Ajay Devgn
- Madhavan
- Janki Bodiwala
- Jyotika
- Pallak Lalwani
- Anngad Raaj
Director: Vikas Bahl
- Aamil Keeyan Khan
- Krishnadev Yagnik
“Shaitaan” promises to be a compelling supernatural thriller that intertwines family dynamics with the dark and mystical aspects of Indian Black Magic, offering a unique and suspenseful cinematic experience.