In a groundbreaking move for Saudi Arabia’s fashion scene, the nation hosted its first-ever swimsuit fashion show on Friday, marking a significant shift towards embracing fashion diversity. The event, held poolside at the luxurious St Regis Red Sea Resort, showcased swimwear designs by Moroccan designer Yasmina Qanzal.
The fashion show featured predominantly one-piece swimsuits in a palette of red, beige, and blue. Qanzal, speaking to AFP, highlighted the historic nature of the event, stating, “When we came here, we understood that a swimsuit fashion show in Saudi Arabia is a historic moment, because it is the first time to have such an event.”
This inaugural event was part of the Red Sea Fashion Week, an initiative aligned with Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030—a comprehensive plan aimed at diversifying the economy and reducing the kingdom’s dependence on oil. The fashion show took place at a venue managed by Red Sea Global, one of the ambitious giga-projects under the oversight of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
Syrian fashion influencer Shouq Mohammed, who attended the event, remarked on the significance of the fashion show within the broader context of Saudi Arabia’s modernization efforts. “It was not surprising considering Saudi Arabia’s efforts to become more globalized and expand its tourism and fashion industries,” she said.
The Saudi fashion industry has seen remarkable growth, employing 230,000 people and contributing $12.5 billion, or 1.4% of the country’s GDP, as per a report released by the Saudi Fashion Commission last year. This historic fashion event reflects the kingdom’s ongoing commitment to fostering a more inclusive and diverse cultural landscape.
French influencer Raphael Simacourbe, also present at the show, noted, “There was nothing risqué to my eyes, but in the Saudi context, it was a major achievement.” The event underscores the delicate balance Saudi Arabia is striving to maintain as it opens up to global cultural trends while respecting its traditional values.
The success of the swimsuit fashion show at the Red Sea Fashion Week signals a new era for Saudi Arabia’s fashion industry, one that is increasingly aligned with international standards and more inclusive of global fashion expressions.