In the heart of South Korea’s legal landscape unfolds a captivating drama, “Queen of Divorce,” where the intricate dance of love and betrayal takes center stage. Meet Kim Sa Ra, the indomitable daughter-in-law of Korea’s largest law firm, who transforms from a victim of betrayal to the queen of divorce solutions. Armed with legal prowess and an eccentric approach, Sa Ra navigates the tumultuous seas of troubled marriages, delivering justice and retribution to unfaithful spouses.
Story in Queen of Divorce (Season 1) Korean Drama 2024
Kim Sa Ra’s life takes an unexpected turn when betrayal robs her of everything, turning her into an unconventional divorce troubleshooter. Now the team leader at the divorce settlement office Solution, Sa Ra, alongside her business partner Dong Ki Joon, punishes those who break matrimonial vows and extends a helping hand to those facing unfair divorce situations. Dong Ki Joon, a former prosecutor known as the “German Shepherd” for his persistence and intuition, joins forces with Sa Ra to assist those entangled in the complexities of difficult divorces.
Leading the charge is the talented Lee Ji Ah, portraying the resilient Kim Sa Ra. Known for her roles in “The Penthouse: War in Life,” “The Ghost Detective,” and “Pandora: Beneath the Paradise,” Lee Ji Ah brings depth and charisma to her potentially groundbreaking role in this Netflix K-drama.
Queen of Divorce (Season 1) Release on Netflix
Anticipation rises as “Queen of Divorce” is set to grace Netflix screens, promising a legal spectacle like no other. Although Netflix is yet to confirm the arrival of this K-drama, multiple sources have hinted at its imminent debut. Premiering on JTBC on January 21st, 2024, the series unfolds over 12 episodes, with new installments gracing Wednesdays and Thursdays until the grand finale on March 7th, 2024.
The brilliant mind behind this legal drama is none other than Jeong Hee-seon, weaving together a narrative that explores the complexities of love, betrayal, and the pursuit of justice in the realm of divorce.
“Queen of Divorce” promises not just a legal drama but a riveting exploration of the human heart, where love and law collide in a battle for resolution. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster ride through the legal battlefield of love as the Queen of Divorce takes charge in 2024.