The new, exciting movie “Manjummel Boys” will be set in the beautiful Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Things will change and twist in ways you won’t expect, which should make the trip very exciting. The movie was directed by Chidambaram S Poduval and will be shown for the first time on February 22, 2024. You didn’t see this coming. It’s a funny story about friendship and bad luck.
Manjummel Boys Movie 2024 Release Date, Cast, Storyline, and Trailer
Release Date
Release on February 22, 2024.
“Manjummel Boys” has a strong ensemble cast with some of the best players in the business. These people play important roles in the movie: Soubin Shahir, Sreenath Bhasi, Balu Varghese, Ganapathy, and Jean-Paul Lal. I think the story will come to life because the stars get along so well. This will make the movie a great time for everyone.
Creative Minds Behind the Camera
Chidambaram S Poduval wrote and directed this movie called “Manjummel Boys.” Between the lines of the camera, we can see how creative he is. Chidambaram is about to make a movie that will never be made again. People know him for telling stories in a unique way. Babu Shahir, Soubin Shahir, and Shawn Antony all worked together to make this fun movie.
A Sneak Peek into the Storyline
Part of the Story: “Manjummel Boys” is about a group of friends who take a trip to Kodaikanal to get away from their everyday lives. Strange things will happen on the trip that they didn’t expect. Things get crazy and funny in the middle of a trip that was supposed to be relaxing.
Official Trailer
There is now a movie trailer for “Manjummel Boys” that lets people know what to expect. The video shows how nice the main characters are to each other and how lovely Kodaikanal is. It also hints at problems the group won’t have thought of. There are a lot of talks and excitement about the trailer, which makes people want to see the whole movie.
Musical Brilliance
Wonderful music: Sushin Shyam’s music is another great thing about the movie. Some people say that Shyam writes music from the heart. His work on the movie is likely to make it more emotional, which will add to the story and make it an experience that people will remember.
Fans are getting more and more excited because “Manjummel Boys” is almost here. The cast is great, the director is smart, and the story is interesting. This movie could be a big hit in 2024. It will be an emotional, funny, and sometimes bad trip with the “Manjummel Boys.”