In the tumultuous backdrop of 1975, Jigarthanda DoubleX unravels a gripping tale of deception, crime, and cinema. The narrative follows a disgraced Tamil Nadu cop, portrayed by the versatile Raghava Lawrence, who assumes the guise of a filmmaker. His mission is to infiltrate the enigmatic world of Alliyus Caesar, a notorious gangster and fervent film enthusiast harboring dreams of transcending regional boundaries to become a pan-Indian movie star.
As the cop delves deeper into the eccentric world of Caesar, the lines between reality and fiction blur. The story unfolds with intricate twists and turns, revealing the complex dynamics between power, crime, and the mesmerizing allure of cinema. Jigarthanda DoubleX explores the convergence of two seemingly divergent worlds, where the art of filmmaking becomes a powerful tool for both survival and manipulation.
Jigarthanda DoubleX Release Date: Jigarthanda DoubleX hit the screens on December 7, captivating audiences across Tamil Nadu and beyond. The film’s strategic release in multiple languages, including Tamil, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, and Telugu, underscores its ambition to resonate with diverse audiences on a pan-Indian scale.
- Raghava Lawrence: Portraying the disgraced cop navigating the treacherous terrain of crime and cinema.
- S. J. Suryah: Bringing the notorious gangster Alliyus Caesar to life with a compelling performance.
- Nimisha Sajayan: Adding depth to the narrative as a pivotal character, her portrayal adds layers to the intricate storyline.
Director: The visionary behind Jigarthanda DoubleX is none other than the acclaimed filmmaker, Karthik Subbaraj. Known for his ability to weave captivating narratives, Subbaraj brings his unique storytelling flair to this ambitious project, creating a cinematic experience that transcends traditional genre boundaries.
Genre: Jigarthanda DoubleX seamlessly blends elements of action and drama, offering a riveting cinematic journey that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats. The film delves into the underbelly of crime while exploring the transformative power of cinema, making it a must-watch for enthusiasts of both genres.
Runtime: With a runtime of 172 minutes, Jigarthanda DoubleX offers a substantial and immersive experience, allowing the audience to delve deep into the intricacies of its layered storyline.
Jigarthanda DoubleX on Netflix: For those who missed the theatrical release, Jigarthanda DoubleX made its digital debut on Netflix on December 7, ensuring a wider reach and allowing viewers to enjoy the gripping narrative from the comfort of their homes.
Jigarthanda DoubleX, with its multi-lingual approach, not only expands the cinematic horizons but also stands as a testament to the collaborative and inclusive nature of Indian cinema. As each language version boasts a separate catalog entry, audiences across the nation can engage with the film in their preferred language, making it a truly pan-Indian cinematic experience.