In a recent promotional event for her upcoming film “Mr & Mrs Mahi,” Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor opened up about the physical challenges she faced during the shoot. The 27-year-old actress shared that the intense training regime pushed her body to its limits, revealing that she suffered multiple injuries, including the dislocation of both her shoulders.
Reflecting on the arduous journey, Janhvi admitted there were moments when she felt like giving up. “At every turn, I felt like it wasn’t happening. My body was giving up,” she confessed. However, the dedication of her coaches, Abhishek Nair and Vikrant sir, provided her with the courage and support she needed to persevere.
The film’s director, Sharan Sharma, known for his meticulous approach, insisted on authenticity in portraying Janhvi’s character as a cricketer. “He wanted me to become a complete cricketer, without any cheating or reliance on VFX,” Janhvi explained. This commitment to realism required extensive training, which Janhvi began during the making of her previous film, “Mili,” and continued for two years.
Despite the physical toll, Janhvi’s resolve remained strong, driven by Sharma’s vision and the hard work of her coaches. The result is a performance imbued with genuine effort and dedication, capturing the essence of a cricketer’s life.
“Mr & Mrs Mahi,” which also stars Rajkummar Rao, is set to hit theaters on May 31, 2024. As audiences await its release, Janhvi’s revelations about her preparation and the challenges faced promise a film rooted in authenticity and hard-earned performances.