Gary Sinise, renowned for his role in Forrest Gump, shared the heartbreaking news of his son Mac’s passing at the age of 33 due to a rare form of cancer. The talented actor disclosed that Mac had been battling this uncommon cancer for over five years, ultimately succumbing to the disease on January 5.
Expressing his grief on the Gary Sinise Foundation website, Sinise conveyed that the family is grappling with the loss, trying to cope as best as possible. Despite the heartbreak, he expressed feelings of being blessed, fortunate, and proud to have been Mac’s father.
Mac, or McCanna Anthony Sinise, was a graduate of the USC Thornton School of Music and gained recognition as an exceptional drummer, according to his father. Diagnosed with Chordoma in August 2018, just two months after his mother Moira’s stage three breast cancer diagnosis, Mac’s health deteriorated over time.
While Moira successfully entered remission and remains cancer-free, Mac’s condition worsened, progressively disabling him. Gary Sinise reflected on the challenges the family faced, expressing empathy for others who have suffered similar losses.
Losing a child is an incredibly difficult experience, as Sinise acknowledged, emphasizing the enduring pain and the hardships faced during their five-and-a-half-year cancer battle. Sinise, famed for his role as Lieutenant Dan Taylor in Forrest Gump, expressed the family’s deep sorrow at Mac’s absence but found solace in the knowledge that he was no longer in pain.
Sinise paid tribute to Mac’s resilience, describing him as an “incredible inspiration” to those who knew and loved him. Despite facing setbacks, Mac approached his battle with grace, courage, and love, never ceasing to live, learn, create, and give.
The actor, aged 68, shed light on the rarity of Chordoma, a one-in-a-million cancer originating in the spine and affecting around 300 individuals in the US annually. While grieving the loss, Sinise emphasized Mac’s enduring spirit, describing how he fought an uphill battle against an incurable cancer with unwavering determination.
In the midst of this sorrow, Sinise and his family draw strength from Mac’s indomitable spirit, cherishing the memories of a son who, even in the face of adversity, continued to live a life filled with inspiration, creativity, and love.