Gaami, which means “Traveler,” is an epic adventure drama upcoming movie set to release in 2024 in the Indian Telugu language. Vishwak Sen plays the role of Aghora, a wounded hero who goes on a magical journey into the Himalayas to find a fix for his touch starvation.
The Story
The movie is about Shankar, an Aghora orphan who goes on an exciting quest to find Maali leaves, which are thought to help with a problem. It only comes around every 36 years, and this is his only chance to change his life. After that, he starts his trip to the Himalayan mountain Dronagiri.
Gaami Movie Cast
Aumkar Kotamraju, KLK Mani, Sanjay Ratha, K R Unnikrishnan, B Venkat Raman Rao, Rajiv Kumar, Mahija, Ram, and Vishwak Sen are among the actors and actresses featured in the film Gami.
Director and Producer
Director:- Vidyadhar Kagita Producer:- Karthik Sabareesh Release Date: Gami film released on March 8, 2024 (India).
Gaami Movie Release Date
Gaami upcoming Telugu language movie is set to be released on March 8, 2024.
Budget of Gaami Movie
Gaami has grown into a big project with the help of UV Creations. We started with a budget of Rs 80 crore. “They really believe in the movie and are putting it out in a big way,” says Vishwak Sen.
Gami Movie Trailer
Movie Summary
Gaami is not just any movie; it’s an adventure that will touch your heart and take you on a ride of feelings. With great actors, an interesting story, and the magic of Vidyadhar Kagita, this movie is going to be a hit in 2024. Don’t forget to mark your calendars for March 8 and get ready to dive into the awesome world of Gaami!