In the wake of the glittering Filmfare Awards ceremony, the joyous atmosphere in the Bhatt-Kapoor household resonated as Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor clinched not just one, but two prestigious trophies. Soni Razdan, the ever-supportive mother, took to social media to express her elation, sharing a heartfelt post that encapsulated the pride she felt for her daughter and son-in-law. Her words, “Not one but two! Congratulations, you two – you make us all so proud and happy. Gratitude and cheers all round for this amazing encore of 2019! #filmfareawards2024,” echoed the sentiment of an entire family basking in the glory of their achievements.
Alia Bhatt’s triumph in securing the Best Actress Award for her compelling role in “Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani” and Ranbir Kapoor’s well-deserved win as the Best Actor for his impactful performance in “Animal” added another chapter to their illustrious careers. Soni Razdan’s post, a testament to the familial pride, not only acknowledged the individual accomplishments but also celebrated the collective success of the power couple.
The joy didn’t stop there. Neetu Kapoor, Ranbir’s mother and Alia’s mother-in-law, couldn’t contain her excitement either. Sharing her happiness on Instagram, Neetu Kapoor posted two captivating pictures – one freezing the recent triumphant moment and the other revisiting the glorious night of 2019 when both actors were honored for their outstanding performances in “Sanju” and “Raazi.” Neetu Kapoor’s caption reflected her heartfelt sentiments, “I secretly prayed and wished a repeat of 2019 (Sanju Raazi), so happy it happened again!!! Congratulations both of you, very, very proud. #animal #rockyranikipremkahani,” accompanied by an array of heart emojis.
The double win at the Filmfare Awards 2024 not only cemented the professional prowess of Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor but also showcased the tight-knit bond and support within their family. Beyond the glitz and glamour of the film industry, the genuine joy expressed by their mothers added a personal touch to the triumph, making it a moment cherished not only by the stars but also by those closest to them.
Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor, who entered marital bliss on April 14, 2022, and are now proud parents to a baby girl named Raha, began their journey as a couple on the sets of Ayan Mukerji’s film, “Brahmastra,” in 2017. Their love story, intertwined with their professional collaborations, has been a subject of fascination for their fans. The couple is set to captivate audiences once again with their on-screen chemistry in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s “Love And War,” where they will be seen alongside Vicky Kaushal.
The Filmfare Awards not only honored their exceptional contributions to cinema but also provided a platform for the entire family to revel in the success and feel the warmth of collective pride. The double win serves as a glorious chapter in the ongoing saga of Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor’s journey through the realms of love, family, and cinematic excellence.