“Fighter,” the highly anticipated aerial action thriller directed by Siddharth Anand and starring Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone, and Anil Kapoor, is expected to make a big splash on its opening day at the box office. Day 1 Box Office Collection Prediction for Fighter Movie 2024, ‘U/A’ certified and spanning two hours and forty-three minutes, the movie is scheduled to appear on 4200 screens around the country, guaranteeing a fully immersive cinematic experience for viewers.
With more than 214,000 tickets sold in advance, “Fighter” pre-sales are already creating a stir and are almost at an astounding Rs 7 crore in revenue. Even while this number is higher than the record set by Hrithik Roshan’s last project, “Vikram Vedha,” the excitement around “Fighter” points to even more potential. Despite the film’s grandiose scope and director Siddharth Anand’s recent blockbuster success with “Pathaan,” starring Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, and John Abraham, several industry insiders find the pre-sales disappointing.
Anand maintains his confidence in the film’s message in spite of the early similarities, saying, “My film speaks against terrorism,” in response to accusations that it is “anti-Pakistan.” Sacnilk projects that “Fighter” would gross an astounding Rs 25 crore net on its first day of release in India. The Republic Day celebration on January 26 is predicted to generate even more revenue at the box office, with evening and nighttime performances expecting a sell-out crowd.
Over the pivotal first four days of the weekend, the Fighter Box Office Collection’s early box office performance will be extensively monitored to assess its potential for long-term success. Given the film’s stellar ensemble and director’s history of creating box office successes, there is hope that strong word-of-mouth will push the movie’s box office receipts over its initial projections.
Enthusiasts and professionals in the field are anticipating with great anticipation the cinematic extravaganza that ‘Fighter’ promises, as well as any potential records it may break at the box office as it travels to enthral viewers around the country.