This post tells you about Ranbir Kapoor’s new movie “Animal Box Office Collection Report,” which made Rs. 500 Crore at the box office and made it the fourth Hindi movie to do so. “Animal” is now in the same league as last year’s mega-hits “Pathaan,” “Gadar 2,” and “Jawan.”
Reaching this important goal was not easy. Dunki and Salaar were in the same week as “Animal” in the fourth week, which caused trouble in the eighth week. This sudden problem stopped the film’s gathering. After making it into the Rs. 500 Crore club across all versions in its third week, the movie repeated this feat in its original Hindi form, solidifying its status as a major film production.
As of now, Ranbir Kapoor is the third Bollywood star to earn Rs. 500 Crore, after Shah Rukh Khan and Sunny Deol. This important event solidifies Kapoor’s standing as a bankable star and the movie’s wide appeal and success.
It was hard to get to Rs. 500 Crore. It got really hard for the movie in the fourth week. “Animal” had already raised Rs. 477 Crore in three weeks, which was only Rs. 23 Crore short of the impressive number. Even though it was hard, “Animal” took five more weeks to hit Rs. 500 Crore, which shows how long-lasting it is in Bollywood.
Even though it had a lot of competition, “Animal” stayed in theatres longer, especially over the holidays, where it got steady but lower attendance. Week-by-week box office numbers show how the movie got there:
Animal Collection at the Box Office
Week One: Rs. 136 Crore Rs. 291.50 Crore Week Two: 49.20 Crore Week 3: Rs. 10.25 Crore Week Four: 8.25 Crore Week Five: 4 Crore Sixth week: Rs. 1.50 Crore Seventh and eighth weeks: Rs. 70 Lakhs
“Animal” in Hindi made Rs. 501.50 Crore at the box office. The movie has also made Rs. 49 Crore in Telugu, Tamil, and Kannada, bringing the total in India to Rs. 550 Crore.
“Animal” also made USD 29 Million (Rs. 241 Crore) elsewhere. Because of this great performance abroad, the movie made a total of Rs. 905 Crore at the box office around the world. The worldwide success of “Animal” proves that Bollywood will always be popular and makes it a culture phenomenon.
Finally, Ranbir Kapoor’s “Animal” is a culture giant that has changed the movie business around the world. The movie’s big success at the box office has thrilled viewers and shown that Bollywood movies have an unmatched draw and reach.