Synopsis of the new movie “Accident or Conspiracy Godhra” is a highly anticipated movie set to release on March 1, 2024, revealing the truth behind the tragic incident that occurred 22 years ago. Directed by M.K. Shivaaksh and produced under the banners of Om Trinetra Films by B.J. Purohit, this film unveils the real story of the victims of the 2002 incident, shedding light on their fight for justice.
The gripping saga unfolds as the narrative explores whether the event was an accident or a deliberate conspiracy. The movie delves into the struggles, hardships, and perseverance of the victims, providing a raw and emotional portrayal of their quest for truth and justice.
Accident or Conspiracy: Godhra Movie 2024
Release Date: March 1, 2024
Language: Hindi
Genre: Crime, History
- Ranvir Shorey
- Manoj Joshi
- Hitu Kanodia
- Rajeev Soorti
- Rajeev Soorti
Director: M.K. Shivaaksh
Writer: M.K. Shivaaksh
Cinematography: Shankar Awate
Music: Yug Bhusal, Mannan Munjal
Producer: B.J. Purohit, Ramkumar Pal
Production: Artverse Studio, Om Trinetra Films, Saakshat Entertainments
“Accident or Conspiracy Godhra” promises to be a thought-provoking and intense exploration of a tragic incident that has remained shrouded in mystery for over two decades, as it seeks to unveil the truth behind the events that unfolded in 2002.