Gasoline Rainbow (2024) Movie

“Gasoline Rainbow” is a 2024 adventure drama that follows five teenagers from small-town Oregon on a spontaneous road trip to the Pacific coast, 500 miles away, as their final high school adventure. Starring Tony Abuerto, Micah Bunch, Nichole Dukes, Nathaly Garcia, and Makai Garza, the film explores themes of friendship and the transition to adulthood. Produced by Mubi, it premiered at the Venice International Film Festival on September 7, 2023, and was released theatrically on May 10, 2024, with streaming available on Mubi starting May 31, 2024.

Gasoline Rainbow: Release Date, Cast, Plot, Trailer, & More

Gasoline Rainbow Netflix

Release Date:

“Gasoline Rainbow” had its world premiere at the 80th Venice International Film Festival on September 7, 2023. It was theatrically released on May 10, 2024, and will be available for streaming on Mubi starting May 31, 2024.


The movie “Gasoline Rainbow” captures the essence of youthful adventure and the bittersweet transition from adolescence to adulthood. It follows five teenagers from a small town in Oregon who decide to embark on one last escapade before their high school graduation. With the Pacific coast as their destination, 500 miles away, they set off with no detailed plan, driven by the liberating philosophy of “f**k it.” This journey serves as a backdrop for exploring themes of friendship, freedom, and the uncertainties of their impending adulthood.


The film features a young and talented ensemble cast:

  • Tony Abuerto
  • Micah Bunch
  • Nichole Dukes
  • Nathaly Garcia
  • Makai Garza


“Gasoline Rainbow” was produced and financed by Mubi, a well-known streaming service and film distributor known for its curated selection of films. The production took place in late 2021, ensuring that the natural landscapes and authentic experiences of the characters were captured effectively.

Gasoline Rainbow Full Film


The film blends elements of adventure, documentary, and drama, creating a unique narrative that resonates with the real-life experiences of teenagers on the brink of significant life changes.


The film has a runtime of 1 hour and 48 minutes, allowing ample time to delve into the character’s development and the scenic journey across Oregon.

“Gasoline Rainbow” promises to be a heartfelt exploration of youth and the poignant moments that define the transition to adulthood. With its premiere at a prestigious film festival and subsequent theatrical and streaming releases, it is set to reach a wide audience eager for authentic, character-driven storytelling.


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